Linda Karshan at BAD+ Bordeaux

This weekend at BAD+ Bordeaux we are proud to present a selection of works by artist Linda Karshan from the early 1990s through to the present day. 

In addition to the drawings, a collection of etchings and two beautiful loose folio artist’s books are available to view along with a selection of publications about the artist and her work. 

In the artist’s early work, grids and geometric structures begin to emerge through expressive mark-making in pen, ink and graphite. These drawings are the  forerunners to Karshan’s most iconic works, the artist’s highly reductive grids that continue to be the focus of  her drawing practice

Karshan’s mesmerising grids and geometric structures are formed from horizontal, vertical, diagonal and curved lines using time and rhythm. Relying on precise intuition, co-ordinated breathing and her own judgement without the need for instruments of measure, the artist ‘performs’ a geometry that is innate within every human being. 

Plato observed mathematics and geometry as the building blocks of everyday life. Our ability as human beings to recognise and utilise this universal geometry is perhaps what differentiates us from all other species. 

Karshan’s work is a demonstration of humanity’s elemental ability to recognise and generate these forms - a natural geometry that is the essence of the universe.


Karshan’s work features in major collections including The British Museum, The Courtauld and Tate. 

jonathan casciani